Dear Referring Veterinarians, veterinary technologists and veterinary staff members!

Thank you so much for your support and referrals so far.  We really appreciate and enjoy working with you and your valued clients. We are writing to just give you the heads up that we are extremely restricted at the moment in the number of new patients we can take due to unusually high new patient requests and more restricted hydrotherapy session availability.  

We hope this constriction will ease up somewhat in the coming months in regards to the hydrotherapy availability. However, realistically, so that we can adequately care for our existing patients, new patient intake restriction will likely continue for the foreseeable future.   

We are therefore triaging as best we can the painful cases and the direct doctor-to-doctor referral cases etc. Other cases are being given the option of staying on our waitlist or referral to other centers.  If you have any questions or want to discuss a case that needs urgent attention the email us ( for the fastest response. 

Thank you for your support and your patience.
Dr. Rose Alkoff and Dr. Tracey Griffin and the PAWS team